Genealogy Site Links

Helpful Sites & Resource Tips for your Genealogy Journey!


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(Fee's Included)


What is


We've spent more than a decade building the world's largest online family history resource - including historical records, photos, stories, family trees and a collaborative community of millions.


Find A Grave

(Free Resource)


Find the graves of ancestors, create virtual memorials, add 'virtual flowers' and a note to a loved one's grave, etc.        

Family Search

(Free Resource)


Our records span billions of names across hundreds of collections—including birth, marriage, death, probate, land, military, IGI extracted, and more. FREE RECORDS!

 West Virginia Genealogy Sources:



West Virginia Division of Culture

& History

(Free Resource)


The mission of the West Virginia Division of Culture and History is to identify, preserve, protect, promote and present the ideas, arts and artifacts of West Virginia’s heritage, building pride in our past accomplishments and confidence in our future.



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